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Sole Proprietor



Corporation or Partnership



Premium Review

Your income tax return is reviewed by an experienced tax professional icon-check icon-check gold-check
Audit report detailing potential
issues flagged by the IRS
icon-check icon-check gold-check
Analysis of your supporting
documents and receipts
 None Up t0 50 Pages Up t0 150 Pages
60 minute phone conference with a tax professional  None 1 Hour 1 Hour
Benchmark your return against similar returns in your business industry  —  — gold-check
Additional 60 minute phone conference  None  None 1 Hour
 Plan intended for sole proprietors Corporations or partnerships Corporations or partnerships
* Price includes a review of one tax return for one tax year. We generally request clients to provide one to two years of prior tax returns (if available) for comparison of the data reported on the tax return under examination.


Our Sole Proprietor service provides an exceptional audit report involving IRS examinations of small businesses.  The typical client generally involves a service business that is a sole proprietorship (not a separate business entity) that is reported on the owner’s personal tax return as a Schedule C.  These Schedule C businesses would not include LLCs that are disregarded entities because there is only one LLC member.  The business will have fewer records and sales generally of $1M or less.  Businesses that are formed as corporations or partnerships will have more complex tax returns and involve more complex issues that require additional analysis and different legal issues.

Our most popular service is intended for mid-size businesses formed as corporations or partnerships (i.e. LLCs, LLPs, General Partnerships, etc.) with gross revenue greater than $1M.  These companies will generally have more transactions and bank accounts and more employees working for the business.

This service offers a more extensive review of both a company’s tax return and supporting financial documents and records to substantiate the amounts reported as income and deductions on a business return.  Having the benefit of reviewing a company’s financials and documents provide more details about the type of transaction and how the business transactions were reported.  For instance, an expense incurred to purchase parts could be misclassified as “supplies” and may be required to be reported as “Cost of Goods Sold.” Reviewing the company’s financials and supporting documents may provide additional details.
Clients who purchase this service will speak with an experienced tax professional who will review the details of their Audit Report and answer questions.

The Premium service offers additional services beyond the standard Corporate or Partnership service that includes many tools and benefits to advise business owners of potential risks, which include:

One additional 60-minute conversation with a tax professional to discuss the Audit Report, review questions, and further strategize.

Increasing the quantity of business records analyzed to 150 pages.

Performing a benchmark study of the client’s business income tax return to provide insightful analysis comparing the client’s return with similar businesses in the same industry.

Our benchmark analysis provides incredible insight to compare a client’s business return with similar businesses in the same industry.  The benchmark study can identify additional issues to explore that may be high-risk items flagged by IRS during the audit.  For instance, a review of a client’s income tax return for a manufacturing company reveals a high dollar amount deducted Cost of Goods Sold compared to the company’s yearly gross sales and compared to its competitors.  The benchmark study reveals the client may have improperly overstated the cost of inventory sold by deducting all inventory purchased in a given year.

Business Type icon-moreinfo The typical client generally involves a service business that is a sole proprietorship (not a separate business entity) that is reported on the owner’s personal tax return as a Schedule C. Industry Sales Volume Employees Accounting System # of Bank Accounts Transactions beyond core business? icon-moreinfo The typical client generally involves a service business that is a sole proprietorship (not a separate business entity) that is reported on the owner’s personal tax return as a Schedule C.

Sole Proprietor

Sole Proprietorship Service Under $1 Million 0 – 2 May Not Have 1 No

Corporation or Partnership

Corporation or Partnership Service & Goods Under $2 Million < 2 Yes 2+ Yes

Premium Review

Corporation or Partnership Service & Goods  $2 Million + 3+ Yes 2+ Yes
*If the values for your business exceed the values for any category listed above, your business is eligible for a customized plan.  Please contact us for more details.

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